1"紫水晶口袋小天使 1"Amethyst Pocket Angel



每件不同但大約 1"高。 顯示價目為一枚晶石之價格。 紫水晶也是石英的一種,是6週年紀念寶石。 脈輪 - 第三眼輪,冠輪 誕生月 - 二月(雙魚座) 紫水晶是一種強力的保護性晶石,具有強大的癒合和浄化力量。它在西方國家是愛的守護石,代表高層次、靈性上、精神上的愛意,能賦予情侶、夫妻間深厚貞節之愛,對男女間的感情增進和人際關係有莫大幫助。人們一直將紫水晶作視為護身符和辟邪之物,相信它能夠驅趕惡魔和增強個人運氣。紫水晶在許多文化中扮演神聖力量,權利和地位的象徵,可能是因為它本來就可以帶來貴氣,增強人緣和自信,促進人際關係,有利於領導統御的原故。紫水晶美麗的紫色色調既不太男性化也沒有柔弱的感覺。紫色主宰右腦世界,即直覺與潛意識,所以紫水晶又叫靈性水晶,它的紫色光對應眉輪及頂輪,有助清理頂輪的能量,能平穩情緒,集中念力,讓潛藏的智慧之光展現,並激發創意。 無論在工作上還是在愛情關係中,紫水晶都有助我們保持清醒,加強頭腦的思維清晰,帶來高度的覺察力,明辨謊言與虛假的表象。 傳說如果喝酒時配戴紫水晶就不容易醉酒。 請注意紫水晶在直射的陽光下會褪色。要清洗浄化紫水晶可將之放在流水下一小會兒,並同時心念確認已將之清洗浄化好就可。 產品由英國進口。 由於我們的產品是用天然的水晶或半寶石製成,因此閣下收到的最終商品的外觀可能與所示圖像有輕微分別。 Vary in size but in average around 1" in height. Price indicated is for one piece of pocket angel. Amethyst is a variety of Quartz and is a 6th Anniversary gemstone. Chakras - Third Eye, Crown Birthstone - February (Pisces) Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone with strong healing and cleansing powers. It is used to guard against psychic attack and dissolves negativity. It is the guardian stone of love in Western countries and represents spiritual love. It can endow couples with a deep chastity love, and it is of great help to the emotional enhancement and interpersonal relationship between men and women. People have always regarded amethyst as a talisman and believe it can drive away demons and enhance personal luck. The sacred amethyst acts as a symbol of power and status in many cultures, probably because it can inherently enhance one’s elegance, popularity and self-confidence, promote interpersonal relationships, and help leadership and control. The beautiful purple hue of amethyst is neither too masculine nor soft. Purple dominates the right brain world, i.e. intuition and subconsciousness, so amethyst is also called a spiritual crystal. Its purple light corresponds to the brow chakra and the crown chakra. It helps clean up the energy of the crown chakra, hence promotes calm and concentration of the mind, and creativity. Whether at work or in love relationships, amethyst helps us to have a clear mind with a high degree of awareness to distinguish lies and false appearances. There is a legend that you will not get drunk easily if you wear amethyst while drinking. And one of the ancient Chinese medicine "Wu Shi San" is actually made with amethyst. Amethyst fades in direct sunlight and care should be taken. It is also good to be often cleared by holding the stone under running water for a short period while affirming that the stone is cleared. Product was imported directly from U.K.. Since our products are made with natural crystals and semi precious gemstones, the appearance of the final merchandise may have slight variations from the image shown.
