1. 若顧客收到損壞貨品,請於收到貨品5天內致電或電郵通知我們安排退換,過期恕不受理。
2. 由於晶石乃天然物料,每件貨品外觀必有顏色差異或石纹裂級瑕疪屬正常現象,此等不能作為退換貨品理由。
3. 由於晶石在被配帶後會立即開始釋放或吸收使用者的能量,若非貨品損壞問題(如斷線壞扣等), 一般情況下貨品恕不退換。
4. 顧客於網上成功訂購後,如所訂購產品庫存不足,本店有權主動取消訂單及退還訂金款項而不會額外賠償。
1. Customer please call or email us within 5 days for good exchange or refund arrangements if the customer receives a damaged good.
2. Since crystals and gemstones are natural materials, it is normal for each product to differ in color and tone or have natural grains and cracks within. It cannot be used as a reason to return the product.
3. Since crystals and gemstones immediately functions to release or absorb negative energy once being worn by a user, if it is not the problem of damage to the product (such as broken threads etc.), delivered goods cannot be returned or exchanged under normal circumstances, unless the good was damaged (eg. broken threads).
4. We have the right to cancel a successfully placed order and refund the amount paid for the good by the customer if there is insufficient inventory of the good. No additional compensation will be made for the cancellation.